Istanbul Tulip Festival - 2 nights
1st day: Departure from Sofia - Serdika bus station at 7:00 p.m. Night journey along the route Plovdiv-Haskovo-Kapitan Andreevo-Istanbul.
2-ри ден: Сутринта пристигане в Истанбул и настаняване в хотел, ако има възможност – рано сутринта, ако не – настаняването става след 12:00 ч.
Рано сутринта – /по желание/ – туристическа обиколка на града с автобус и екскурзовод на български език: парка Емирган, в който се разглеждат милиони разноцветни лалела от различни сортове и видове, доставящи изключителна наслада за очите. Разходка из парка, в който има езера, красиви сгради и прекрасни гледки. След това – посещение в реставрираната българска църква Св. Стефан и квартала Балат. Връщане в района на хотела.
В 12:45 ч. разходка с кораб по Босфора с екскурзовод на български език /по желание/.
Ok. 19:30 – dinner in a restaurant on a boat on the Bosphorus with a program and an unlimited amount of local alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
At 8:00 p.m. /on request/ - dinner with unlimited drinks and program at the Gar restaurant. Overnight stay.
Day 3: Breakfast. At 09:00 - a visit to the Sapphire skyscraper /optionally/ - one of the tallest residential buildings in Europe. Take a fast elevator to a panoramic platform with terraces and watch a 4D movie - a virtual tour of the city by helicopter
At 12:45 - /optional/ - Visit to one of the large shopping centers - MOL Floria Istanbul. Optional - visit the Istanbul Aquarium - one of the largest in the city, with a tunnel, a zoo, a jungle and thousands of sea creatures. Return to the hotel area.
Ок. 16:45 ч. – /по желание/ – разходка с местен екскурзовод до площад Таксим, из най-популярната и аристократична пешеходна улица Истиклял и кулата Галата. Връщане в района на хотела. Свободно време. Нощувка.
Day 4: Breakfast. Ok. 08:00 a.m. departure for Bulgaria with a stay in Edirne to see one of the largest and most beautiful mosques in Turkey - Selimiye and the center. Arrival in Sofia, Serdika bus station - approx. 20:00 hours.
*transport by tourist bus, licensed for international transport 3/4*,
*two nights with buffet breakfast in a 3* hotel /River hotel, The Center hotel, Gold hotel or similar in the old part of Istanbul/,
*tour guide service during the trip,
*road and border fees,
*medical insurance with Assistance with coverage of 2,000 euros at ZK Unica.
*tourist tour of Istanbul: 15 euros,
*трансфер до МОЛ Флория и вход за Аквариума: 40 евро, само трансфер до МОЛ-а: 10 евро,
*Bosphorus boat ride: 17 euros,
*skyscraper Sapphire with a ticket for the cinema and the panoramic terrace: 40 euros
*посещение на площад Таксим, улица Истиклял, кулата Галата: 15 евро
*dinner in a restaurant with a program and unlimited drinks: 33 euros,
*dinner on a yacht on the Bosphorus with transfer, program and unlimited drinks: 45 euros,
additional payment for copper. insurance for persons aged 65 to 74: BGN 5,
additional payment for copper. insurance for persons aged 75 to 80: BGN 7,
travelers from 80 to 85 years of age are insured against permission from the Social Insurance Agency, additional payment for copper. insurance: BGN 12
*accommodation in a private room - additional payment 60 BGN /for the two nights/
Required documents:
валиден задграничен паспорт
лична карта /издадена след 2015 год./,
за деца до 18 год., пътуващи без родители или с един родител, и нотариално заверена декларация /оригинал и копие/ от не пътуващия/те родител/и, че разрешават на детето си да напуска границите на Р България.
*the company is not responsible for tourists not admitted by the relevant border authorities.
*the company reserves the right to change the hours of the program. It is possible to add new objects to visit /on request/.
*no visa and medical requirements for Turkey.
*min. number of tourists for the excursion: 40
*notification deadline if the minimum number is not reached: 7 days before the departure date
*when booking - payment of a deposit in the amount of 30% of the price, additional payment - up to 10 days before the departure date
Travel cancellation insurance is available for an additional fee. payment.
The agency has tour operator liability insurance at ZK EUROINS AD, policy No. 03700100005167, valid until 07.06.2025.